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where we will stay for the next 2 nights. the way. Overnight in hotel in the national Icelandic legends.
Overnight in hotel. park area. Late afternoon arrival in Reykjavik and
hotel accommodation.
Free day for activities. Dare to go on a In the morning we will be waiting for a DAY 10 REYKJAVIK
boat tour to see whales and dolphins “snowcat”, a closed-cabin vehicle similar A culinary day in the capital of Iceland
in their natural habitat. Or, for the more in size to a truck and equipped with awaits us today.
adventurous, other activities can be chains to move through the snow, to In the morning we will visit the Icelandic
arranged such as rafting, mountain go to the Snaefellsnjökull glacier, which chocolate factory, where they will explain
biking, horseback riding or water diving, rises to 1446m above sea level and main the history of cocoa, and its tradition in
among many other options. landscape of Jules Verne’s novel “Journey Iceland. Then free time to enjoy the city
to the center of the earth”. During the tour at your leisure. In the evening we will
DAY 8 AKUREYRI - SNAEFELLSNES we will enjoy magnificent views. have an Icelandic cooking class! Get
The last stage of the trip before returning Then we will arrive at Grundarfjördur, your aprons on for a good time with
to the capital of Iceland will be the at the foot of the magnificent Kirkjufell your fellow travelers cooking the farewell
Snaefellsnes National Park, which offers Mountain. We will visit the Shark dinner!
a unique natural spectacle on the island, Museum, dedicated to these incredible
from lava fields to glaciers, black beaches marine animals and where we will taste DAY 11 REYKJAVIK
and white sandy beaches, all linked by a the smoked shark meat. Breakfast at the hotel at the agreed time,
coastline with rugged cliffs. Do you dare? We will follow the coastline transfer to the airport.
Transfer from Akureyri to Snaefellsnes towards Berserkjahraun where we can
following the coastline. Photo stops along admire the lava fields, witnesses of 125