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Program                 Day 05: Zadar - Split (165km - 2hrs)    UNESCO.  You’ll notice the presence of
                                                                                different religious cultures as an example
                                              AM: Walking along Zadar`s streets the
                      Itinerary               guide will show you the entire spectrum   of peaceful coexistence between them.
                                              of monuments and hidden corners, taking
                                                                                Visit of the Onufri Museum within the
                                              you into the past more than 3000 years.   cathedral of St. Mary
                                              Enjoy free time for shopping      PM: Drive back to Tirana for your
               Day 01: Ljubljana Airport - Ljubljana    PM: Drive to Split (2hrs)   overnight
            Welcome in Slovenia!!!            Overnight in Split
            Meet the guide and driver at the Airport                            Day 11: Tirana - Ohrid/NORTH MACEDONIA
            and transfer to Ljubljana.        Day 06: Split - Dubrovnik         AM: Departure to Ohrid. UNESCO
            Visit the picturesque Central open-air   AM: City tour of Split – Explore the   Heritage Site.
            Market, Baroque Town Hall, the Three   UNESCO-listed Diocletian’s Palace with its   Enjoy the walking tour of Ohrid, where
            Bridge, Robba’s Fountain and the   Peristyle, Temple of Jupiter and Cathedral.  impeccable nature meets tremendous
            Parliament.                       PM: Afternoon drive to Dubrovnik   cultural heritage. With churches and
            Overnight in Ljubljana            Overnight in Dubrovnik            monasteries far beyond what you can
                                                                                count, the Jerusalem of the Balkans is
            Day 02: Ljubljana - Postojna Cave    Day 07: Dubrovnik              ready to reveal its story.
            - Bled - Ljubljana                AM: Our walking tour of Dubrovnik   PM: Visit of St. Perivlepta and St. Sophia
            AM: From Ljubljana, you’ll travel with ease   Old Town (UNESCO Heritage Site) will   Church
            to Postojna Cave to explore stalactite-  take you by the old harbor, Franciscan   Overnight in Ohrid
            studded caverns and limestone passages   monastery, Sponza and Rector’s Palaces,
            in an electric train.             Bell Tower and Orlando’s Column.  Day 12: Ohrid - Bitola - Edessa/GREECE
            Then, you’ll continue driving to Bled, an   Overnight in Dubrovnik   AM: Our drive today, will be towards
            emerald lake surrounded by dramatic                                 Greece, with stop en route to Bitola,
            mountains.                        Day 08: Dubrovnik - Kotor - Budva  Heraclea Lyncestis – famous for its
            PM: After a brief stroll, board a pletna,   / MONTENEGRO            dazzling mosaics, ancient theater and
            wooden boat and journey to the tiny   AM: After the breakfast, departure to   Roman baths.
            island.                           Kotor. Kotor is a beautiful walled medieval   PM: Proceed driving to Edessa and visit
            Overnight in Ljubljana            city of twisting, pink-paved streets,   Edessa waterfalls.
                                              markets and architecture reflecting   Overnight in Edessa
            Day 03: Ljubljana - Zagreb / CROATIA   Byzantine to Venetian influences.
            AM: Today, you’ll head to Zagreb, the   PM: Continue driving to Budva.   Day 13: Edessa - Vergina - Thessaloniki
            capital city of Croatia. Walking tour. The   Stroll in the old town and enjoy a drink or   AM: Head to Vergina, for a visit of Museum
            city is divided in two parts: Old Upper   shopping by your own      of Royal Tombs.
            Town, which contains the Presidential   Overnight in Budva          PM: Continue driving to Thessaloniki
            Palace, the iconic St Mark’s Church, and                            Overnight in Thessaloniki
            museums and galleries, and Lower Town   Day 09: Budva - Shkodra - Tirana/ALBANIA
            with its shops, restaurants, cafes, theatres   AM: Our journey will take you to the   Day 14: Thessaloniki
            and wonderful parks. Free afternoon by   captivating legendary castle of Rozafa,   AM: Fantastic, warm and generous,
            your own                          overlooking Shkoder Lake and Adriatic   Thessaloniki is at the same time historic
            Overnight in Zagreb               Sea, once the stronghold of the brave   ideal for a break or stopover and having
                                              Adrian Illyrian tribe.            some unforgettable memories.
            Day 04: Zagreb - Plitvice NP - Zadar    PM: Proceed driving to Tirane. Explore   The Palace, Triumphal Arch and impressive
            AM: This morning you’ll drive to an   the capital city of Albania, including the   Rotunda, offer an insight into the reign of
            amazing Park of Plitvice. Embraced by   City Centre, Scanderbeg Statue, Et’hem   emperor Galerius Maximilian in the early
            high wooded mountains, one beneath   Bey Mosque, Clock tower and Italian style   4th century AD.
            another, lie sixteen beautiful lakes of   buildings.                Overnight in Thessaloniki
            crystal blue-green water, connected to   Overnight in Tirana
    AEGEAN   each other by a series of waterfalls                                  Day 15: Thessaloniki - Airport
     SEA    PM: After the tour, you’ll continue driving   Day 10: Tirana - Berat - Tirana    Day to say goodbye!
            to Zadar                          AM: Today, we’ll drive to Berat, known as   Transfer to the Airport
            Overnight in Zadar                “town of thousand windows”, listed under   End of Service

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