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         & Conditions

          1. Preamble                                       be followed in order for the tour to take place, according to the
          1.1. Albtours D – Vas Tour (hereinafter “the agency - DMC”) offers   client’s request. One of the procedures is also the preparing of the
          vacations all year long. The agency operates with highly qualified   documents that the client must present to the agency.
          staff and a long experience in the service field.  3.3. The staff of the agency is obliged to answer in the best
          1.2. The agency operates with a network composed of 750   possible way to the needs of the client regarding the reservation
          member agencies based in Albania, Austria, Kosovo, Macedonia,   of the hotel, the transportation etc. If the client has chosen one of
          Hungary and Mexico and offers accommodation in more than   the packages prepared by the agency, the staff will answer only
          200,000 hotels worldwide.                         for the hotel and transportation set in the package.
          1.3. The agency offers its services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.   3.4. If the request is made within the limits set in this agreement,
          The offices’ working hours are open from Monday to Friday, from   the staff of the agency is obliged to enable a change in the
          09:00 am to 06:00 pm.                             accommodation according to the requests of the client. If this
                                                            change comprises a financial cost, this cost is to be borne by the
          2. Definitions                                    client.
          2.1. In this agreement, the following terms will be explained as:   3.5. If the request is made within the limits set in this agreement,
          2.1.1. Agency: Registered legal entity which offers, finds and   the staff of the agency is obliged to enable a change in the
          makes possible touristic travel, travel tickets of different types of   transportation according to the requests of the client. If this
          transportation and tickets to sport, music and showbiz events, in   change comprises a financial cost, this cost is to be borne by the
          exchange of a fee.                                client.
          2.1.2. Reservation or booking: the act of ordering or guarding a   3.6. The agency declares to be responsible for every offer made
          product like travel, accommodation or package tour. This is done   public in the online page, in the brochures and
          by the agency, with a request from the client.    catalogs produced by the agency and for every offer advertised
          2.1.3. Reservation or booking is done through the online page   by the staff of the agency.
, through the contact with one of the offices   3.7. The agency is not responsible for the condition of the hotel
          of the agency or through the contact with one of the members of   rooms if they are not in the condition in which they appear in the
          the agency.                                       official hotel online page or for the actions and behavior of the
          2.1.4. Confirmation:                              hotel staff in the destination chosen by the client.
          a) The verification of the availability of a reservation or booking, or  3.8. The agency is not responsible for the cancellation of the
          b) the final agreement by the means of which the client liquidates   tour in case of major force, natural causes, people’s protest or
          the obligations toward the agency and the agency guards with a   declaration of war in the destination chosen by the client and
          final act the reservation or booking of the client.  for every accident that happens as a result of these causes. The
          2.1.5. Hotel: An establishment or a connected group of   solution will be achieved with an agreement between the agency
          establishments, independent from any other construction, with   and the client.
          no fewer than 6 rooms, within a single piece of land, in which   3.9. The agency is not responsible for the damage or loss of
          accommodation, complementary services and commodity are   luggage or personal items in the plane, airport, port, ship or hotel.
          offered for the public by a qualified staff.      3.10. The agency is responsible for the damage or loss of
          2.1.6. Reimbursement: The amount of money the agency is   luggage or personal items in the means of transportation offered
          obliged to return to the client in case of nonfulfillment of the   by the agency for the transportation of the client from and to the
          agreement on the part of the agency without any reasonable   airport or port or for the city tour.
          cause or if the reasons stated in this document are present.
          2.1.7. Package tour: The prepared combination of services, which   4. Rights of the agency
          is sold or offered for sale and which covers a period of time longer   4.1. The agency reserves the right to ask every necessary
          than 24 hours or which includes one night of accommodation.   document for the realization and the reservation of the tour.
          The package tour includes two or more components such as:  4.2. The agency reserves the right to receive, in the way set in this
          a) Transportation                                 agreement, every payment that the client owes.
          b) Accommodation                                  4.3. The agency reserves the right to cancel a reservation if the
          c) Other touristic services, independent from the transportation   client does not liquidate all payments as set in this agreement.
          and accommodation. These services constitute a considerable   4.4. In case of cancellation, the agency reserves the right to
          amount of the package and they are included in the prepared   withhold from the amount paid by the client, expenses and
          combination and are billed or invoiced separately.  commissions which are made prior to the cancellation.

          3. Obligations of the agency                      5. Obligations of the client
          3.1. The staff of the agency is obliged to explain all offers for   5.1. The client is obliged to liquidate all payments according to
          which the client has expressed an interest. The staff, within the   this agreement.
          opening hours and in the way set in this agreement, is obliged to   5.2. The client is obliged to be present at the departure in the time
          answer all questions and requests of the client.  and day set by the agency.
          3.2. The staff of the agency is obliged to explain the procedure to   5.3. The client is obliged to give the exact number of participants in
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